2023/2024 Schedule

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Course Day Start End Tuition
K-3 Science Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 80.00/month
K-3 Science Friday 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 80.00/month
4-6 Science Monday 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 80.00/month
4-6 Science Tuesday 1:30 PM 2:45 PM 80.00/month
4-6 Science Tuesday 4:15 PM 5:30 PM 80.00/month
4-6 Science Wednesday 10:15 AM 11:30 AM 80.00/month
K-6 Science- all ages, great for siblings! Friday 1:15 PM 2:30 PM 80.00/month
Life Science Monday 10:15 AM 11:45 AM 95.00/month
Earth Science Tuesday 2:45 PM 4:15 PM 95.00/month
Physical Science Monday 3:30 PM 5:30 PM 95.00/month
Physical Science Tuesday 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 95.00/month
Biology Monday 1:30 PM 3:30 PM 95.00/month
Biology Thursday 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 95.00/month
Chemistry Wednesday 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 95.00/month
Chemistry Thursday 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 95.00/month
Physics Tuesday 11:30 AM 1:30 PM 95.00/month
Physics Wednesday 12:15 PM 2:15 PM 95.00/month
Forensic Science Friday 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 95.00/month
Algebra 1 Thursday 11:45 AM 1:00 PM 95.00/month
Geometry Monday 12:15 AM 1:30 PM 95.00/month
Algebra 2 Thursday 3:00 PM 4:15 PM 95.00/month
Precalculus/Advanced Math Friday 12:00 PM 1:15 PM 95.00/month

One time registration fee of 65.00/class. One time, non-refundable.

Setup automated monthly tuition payments here: : http://thinkingreeds.com/tuition/

All tuition payments are non-refundable.


K-3 Science
Description: K-3 Science provides students in kindergarten through 3rd grade with a broad based exposure to many different areas of science. Through chemistry, physics, life science, earth science, and more, students will learn and apply the scientific method, become acquainted with quantitative measurements, and develop a keen scientific curiosity about the way the world works.  The class is designed as a standalone science curriculum, replacing any boxed science materials that you were planning to purchase for the year. K-3 Science features all original content, always engaging, always fun.
Recommended Grades: K-3rd
Text: None
Prerequisite: None

4-6 Science
Description: 4-6 Science provides students in 4th through 6th grade with a broad based exposure to many different areas of science. Through chemistry, physics, life science, earth science, and more, students will learn and apply the scientific method, become acquainted with quantitative measurements, and develop a keen scientific curiosity about the way the world works.  The class is designed as a standalone science curriculum, replacing any boxed science materials that you were planning to purchase for the year. Like K-3 Science, 4-6 Science features all original content.  4-6 Science students will leave with a positive view of science, preparing them for middle school and high school science.
Recommended Grades: 4th-6th
Text: The Usborne Science Encyclopedia (ISBN-10: ‎0794523552), 100 Scientists Who Shaped World History (ISBN-10: 0912517395)
Prerequisite: None


Life Science 
Description:  This middle school level life science course provides students with an appreciation of the role of history in our understanding of God's intricate design for the living world.  Topics will be drawn from the areas of life and its classification, the human body and its various systems, and the history of medicine and biology.
Recommended Grades: 6th - 8th
Text(s): Exploring the World of Biology (Tiner, ISBN-10: 9780890515525), Exploring the History of Medicine (Tiner, ISBN-10: 0890512485)
Prerequisite: None

Earth Science 
Description:  This middle school level earth science course provides students with a foundational understanding of how the earth works.  Topics include the earth's geological characteristics, the  hydrosphere, the atmosphere, weather, and the solar system.
Recommended Grades: 6th - 8th
Text(s): Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth Science, 2005 (ISBN-10: 0131901168)
Prerequisite: None

Physical Science
Description: Physical science, often called integrated chemistry and physics,  provides middle school students with a solid foundation for high school science and beyond.  Students learn first hand the intimate relationship between math and science, using mathematical equations to model real world behavior.  Students begin performing more open ended experiments and are required to think critically about the results they obtain.  Topics include Newton's laws of motion, the various forces in creation, introduction to chemistry, and the microscopic basis for observed phenomenon in the macroscopic world.
Recommended Grades: 7th-9th
Text:Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Physical Science, 2009 (ISBN-10: 0133668606)
Prerequisite: None


Description: Biology students will learn biological classification through detailed study of the various kingdoms and phylum in creation.  Other topics will include the chemistry of life, the cell, energy conversion, protein synthesis, cell reproduction, genetics, and viruses.  In addition to dissections, students will perform, analyze, and report on experiments in biotech, genetics, and  biochemistry.
Recommended Grades: 8th-10th
Text: Thinking Reeds Biology delivered via Canvas. No textbook purchase is needed.
Prerequisite: None

Description: Students will learn to think critically about the chemical universe, appreciate the simultaneous complexity and comprehensibility of God's creation, and be well prepared for any college level chemistry course. Topics include significant figures, dimensional analysis, atomic theory, periodicity, nomenclature, electronic structure, bonding, lewis dot structures, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces, the mole concept, stoichiometry and solution stoichiometry, thermochemistry, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, the gas laws, nuclear chemistry, and equilibrium.
Recommended Grades: 9th-11th
Text: Prentice Hall Chemistry (ISBN-10: 0132512106)
Prerequisite: Algebra I

Description:  This algebra based physics course covers measurement, one and two dimensional motion, dynamics, work, energy, momentum, rotational dynamics, mechanics of solids and fluids, wave motion, sound, thermodynamics, electric fields and potential, circuits, magnetism, electromagnetic induction, optics, light, special and general relativity, quantum mechanics, elementary particle physics, and astrophysics. An overview of the history of science from the enlightenment to the 20th century will be integrated into the topics above.  One lecture will be devoted to philosophy of science, covering the scientific method, scientific revolution, inductivism and deductivism, causality, and the relationship between science and technology.
Recommended Grades: 10th-12th
Text: Prentice Hall Conceptual Physics (ISBN-10: 0133647498)
Prerequisite: Algebra I, Geometry (recommended)

Forensic Science
Description:  This one year course in high school Forensic Science (11/12th) will cover crime scene investigation and reconstruction, digital imaging, DNA, blood, fiber, and fingerprint identification, trace chemical instrumental analysis, toxicology, ballistics, and much more. Students will learn a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, applying knowledge in fields as diverse as geometry, physics, biology, chemistry, and digital technology to solve crimes. An optional field trip opportunity will be available to visit a local trace analysis lab. Scope and sequence will be aligned with TEA Forensic Science requirements for high school science credit.
Recommended Grades: 11th-12th
Text:  Forensic Science: An Introduction, 2nd Edition (ISBN-10: 0135074339)
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry, Chemistry, Physics(recommended, not required)

Description: This junior/senior level astronomy course will cover our current understanding of the celestial world, from the life cycle of stars, to distant planets, to black holes, pulsars, and quasars.  Astronomical instrumentation and its evolution will also be covered (how do we know what we know?).  Other topics will include astrobiology, space exploration, and unsolved problems in astronomy.
Recommended Grades: 11th-12th
Text: Astronomy Today, 8/e, Chaisson/McMillan, masteringastronomy access required
Prerequisite:  Algebra 1, Geometry, Chemistry, Physics (highly recommended, not required)

Algebra I
Description: Algebra I lays the mathematical foundation for success in all subsequent science courses in highschool and beyond.  Algorithms are taught rather than the current "discovery" methods used in most public schools today.  Topics include functions, graphs, integers, rational numbers, equations in one and two variables, solving systems of equations, exponents, polynomials, factoring, fractions, square roots, quadratic equations and their solutions, real numbers, fractional equations, inequalities, and number sequences.
Recommended Grades: 8th-9th
Text: Pearson Algebra, 2011 (ISBN-10: 0133500403), MathXL access required
Prerequisite: None

Description:  Topics include inductive and deductive reasoning, logic chains, lines, angles, congruence, inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines, quadrilaterals, transformations, area, similarity, right triangles, circles, concurrence theorems, polygons, geometric solids,  hyperbolic geometry, and elliptic geometry.
Recommended Grades: 9th-10th
Text: Pearson Geometry, 2011 (ISBN-10: 0133500411), MathXL access required
Prerequisite: Algebra I

Algebra II
Description:  A deep dive into many of the topics covered in Algebra I, this course addresses polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, sequences, induction, and probability, and introduction to trigonometric functions, analytic geometry, and analytic trigonometry.
Recommended Grades: 10th-11th
Text: Pearson Algebra 2, 2011 (ISBN-10: 0133500438), MathXL access required
Prerequisite: Algebra I

Advanced Math (Pre-calculus, Trigonometry)
Description: Advanced Math extends the topics covered in Algebra II, covering polynomial, power, rational, exponential, logistic, and logarithmic functions and graphs, trigonometric functions, analytic trigonometry and its applications in two and three dimensions, systems and matrices, discrete mathematics, and introductory calculus. Students will complete Advanced Math prepared for AP Calculus or college Calculus.
Recommended Grades: 10th-12th
Text: Precalculus, 5th Edition, Robert Blitzer (ISBN-10: 0321837347), MathXL access required
Prerequisite: Algebra II